Foundation Subjects
We aim to provide our pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum where they have the opportunity to discover their own true potential and develop their skills and knowledge in a range of subjects. Each term we have a new project or end goal through which we teach a number of linked curriculum areas, which always have Religious Education and Personal, Social and Health Education at their core. As part of this project children are given the opportunity to explore important issues and problems whilst considering how they can make a difference to both their community and the wider world.
For each foundation project we have mapped out and sequenced skills so that their knowledge will be built upon year after year, with our end goal being that children develop deep knowledge at the end of their time at Holmgate. Projects are developed over a term: Autumn term is our Explore project, which is Geography-based, Spring term is our Discover project, which is history-based and Summer term is our Create project, which is Arts-based.
Teachers develop medium term plans for foundation subjects as part of their project planning, with other foundation subjects such as Design and Technology, Art and Design and Computing linked to the main theme. Where external schemes of work are used, delivery is adapted to ensure that teaching and learning of these subjects fit in with our projects and curriculum vision.
- Religious Education delivery is supported by the agreed Derbyshire schemes of work
- PSHE delivery is supported by the PSHE Association
- Computing delivery is supported by Purple Mash
- PE delivery is supported by Qualitas
- Design and Technology, French and Music delivery are supported by Kapow
Please click below to access our Music Development Plan, a document we are encouraged to share with you with support from the Derbyshire Music Hub.